Senator Maggie Hassan released the following statement after Don Bolduc became the Republican nominee in the New Hampshire U.S. Senate race:
“I have worked across the aisle to get results for New Hampshire and taken on corporate special interests to lower costs. This campaign will be a clear contrast between my record of delivering for the people of New Hampshire and Don Bolduc’s radical, backward-looking agenda. If Don Bolduc had his way in the U.S. Senate, he would work to end Social Security, decimate Medicare, and vote to ban abortion nationwide. Don Bolduc is simply too extreme for New Hampshire, and his agenda is wildly out of touch with Granite Staters.”
What You Need to Know About Don Bolduc:
Don Bolduc is an Anti-Choice Extremist: Don Bolduc said that people should “rejoice” at the Supreme Court overturning Roe, said he would “never compromise” in pushing for anti-choice legislation, and supported legislation that would throw doctors in jail for performing medically-necessary abortions.
Don Bolduc’s Extreme, Backward-Looking Agenda is Wrong for NH: Don Bolduc has proposed cutting three trillion dollars from Social Security and Medicare and has even said he wants to end Social Security altogether. Bolduc has said that he wants to defund the Department of Homeland Security, is open to abolishing the FBI, and supports eliminating the 17th Amendment – which gives people the right to directly elect their own senators.
Don Bolduc is an Election Denier and Would Defy the 2024 Election Results: Don Bolduc helped to spread former President Trump’s lies that the 2020 election was stolen, and he said that he would work to overturn future election results in 2024 if President Biden wins.
Senator Hassan is Working Across the Aisle to Get Real Wins for New Hampshire: Senator Hassan was named “the most bipartisan Senator” by the independent Lugar Center. Working with a Republican, Senator Hassan took on the entire health care industry to help ban the absurd practice of surprise medical billing. She successfully negotiated the bipartisan infrastructure law and helped develop the CHIPS and Science Act that is now law. She helped lead efforts to pass into law the bipartisan PACT Act to secure benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. And she worked across the aisle to deliver a 900 percent increase in funding for New Hampshire to address the opioid crisis.
Senator Hassan is Taking On Corporate Special Interests to Lower Costs: Senator Hassan is standing up to corporate special interests and fighting to lower costs for Granite Staters. She stood up to Big Pharma by successfully passing a new law that allows Medicare to negotiate prescription drug costs and takes important steps to help reduce our reliance on Big Oil and lower energy costs for Granite Staters. And she continues to focus on going after any price manipulation by Big Oil and pushing to suspend the gas tax for at least the rest of the year.