WATCH: On MSNBC, Senator Maggie Hassan Lays Out Don Bolduc’s Extreme Record and Discusses What Is at Stake in New Hampshire’s Senate Race

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Last night, Senator Hassan appeared on MSNBC’s All In With Chris Hayes where she discussed Don Bolduc’s extreme record of denying the results of the 2020 election, supporting an end to Social Security and Medicare, and backing attacks on a woman’s most fundamental freedom. In the interview, Senator Hassan lays out the contrast between her record of fighting to lower costs for Granite Staters with Don Bolduc’s out of step agenda.


On Bolduc’s Election Denying Record

“Don Bolduc is an election denier. He is now trying to mislead the people of New Hampshire about his true position. He is the most extreme US Senate nominee that New Hampshire has had in decades on this and on supporting a national abortion ban and on eliminating Social Security, for example. He’s really working to mislead the people of New Hampshire about his extremism. The problem we have is that the Republicans are all rallying around him and they are spending $60 million against me to support him to try to mislead Granite Staters as well. We can’t have another election denier in the US Senate. But the Republicans are doing their best and spending a lot to put him in there.”

On Mitch McConnell Spending $60 Million to Defeat Her

“But to come back to the point here, the Republicans are spending enormous amounts of money. We’re seeing the race tighten. We always knew it would tighten and we always knew it would be a really, really close race. But people really need to get engaged in this race right now if we’re going to prevail and keep a very extreme election denier from becoming a United States senator.”

On Her Record of Lowering Costs

“I’ll keep pushing for the suspension of a gas tax. I’ll keep pushing to make sure we get funding to support people who are trying to afford their heating bills here in New Hampshire this year. I’ll talk about the work we have done to begin to lower prescription drug costs and to begin to lower energy costs. And the work we need to do to stand up to Big Oil, to hold them accountable for price gouging and market manipulation. But we also know that we need to continue to come together and address long term issues like the CHIPS and Science Act.

On Don Bolduc’s Opposition to Lowering Costs for Granite Staters 

“Don Bolduc opposes Medicare negotiation for prescription drugs, opposes standing up to big oil to help people lower their energy costs and pivot to a clean energy economy. Don Bolduc supports eliminating Social Security and cutting Medicare drastically at a time when seniors are working so hard to make ends meet. So it’s important to acknowledge that this is a real problem, point to the things that we are doing, but also remind people that we can come together as we have begun to do, and really take concrete steps to address this.”


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