Today, Mitch McConnell, backed by Big Oil and other corporate special interests, launched a new TV ad attacking Senator Maggie Hassan for pushing for a gas tax holiday to provide Granite Staters critical relief at the pump — a policy that is opposed by the Republican primary candidates.
McConnell and Republican Senators previously blocked Senator Hassan’s call to immediately pass a gas tax holiday on the Senate floor. Now, McConnell’s campaign arm, the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee, is dumping money into New Hampshire to falsely attack Senator Hassan for fighting against Big Oil and to lower Granite Staters’ gas prices.
“Backed by corporate special interests like Big Oil, Mitch McConnell is dumping millions into New Hampshire to attack Senator Hassan for fighting for a gas tax holiday to provide Granite Staters much-needed, immediate relief,” said Maggie for NH Campaign Manager Aaron Jacobs. “McConnell killed Senator Hassan’s push to suspend the gas tax on the Senate floor and now he’s going after her on the airwaves for fighting to lower Granite Staters’ costs, because he knows her opponents would be rubber stamps for his Big Oil agenda. Senator Hassan won’t be deterred and she’ll keep taking on whoever she needs to in order to deliver for Granite Staters.”
Senator Hassan has consistently stood up to members of her own party by pushing for a gas tax holiday and has repeatedly called on the Biden administration to release more barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Senator Hassan has a long record of taking on her party and was rated as the most bipartisan Senator by the Lugar Center.
The TV ad is just the latest effort by Republicans to attack Senator Hassan for working to suspend the gas tax. Chuck Morse, one of Senator Hassan’s opponents, was responsible for killing bipartisan legislation at the state level that would have suspended the state gas tax. Instead of supporting relief for Granite Staters, all of the Republican candidates have parroted Big Oil’s wishlist, including policies like the Keystone XL pipeline that would do nothing to bring down the high prices that Granite Staters are facing right now.