Senator Hassan Kicks Off Canvass Launch in Dover

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Today, Senator Maggie Hassan joined Congressman Chris Pappas and Organize NH volunteers in Dover to kick off a voter canvass. During the event, Senator Hassan spoke about the importance of organizing in New Hampshire’s razor-thin races, how reproductive rights are on the ballot this year, and the contrast between her record of getting results for Granite Staters and her Republican opponents’ support for a corporate special interest agenda.

“Organizing wins elections in New Hampshire — and the person-to-person conversations that our volunteers have at the doors are at the heart of how we do politics in New Hampshire,” said Senator Maggie Hassan. “While my focus will continue to be on listening to Granite Staters and delivering on their priorities, whoever emerges from the messy Republican primary will just be a yes vote for a corporate special interest, anti-choice agenda.” 

Background: Organize NH is the Democratic coordinated campaign responsible for re-electing Senator Maggie Hassan and Congressman Chris Pappas and electing Democrats up and down the ballot. Organize NH started earlier than any Democratic coordinated campaign in New Hampshire history and has opened thirteen offices across the state.


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Republicans only need to flip one seat to take back the Senate, and Maggie Hassan is their top target. Chip in today to protect our Senate majority!