Maggie for NH Launches New Digital Ad Holding Her Opponents Accountable for Supporting Mitch McConnell’s Attacks on Reproductive Rights

Monday, May 9, 2022

Today, Maggie for NH launched “One Agenda” — a new digital ad making clear that the New Hampshire Republican Senate candidates would all be a yes vote for Mitch McConnell’s agenda of criminalizing abortion nationwide.

The ad comes two days after it was reported that McConnell said that a nationwide abortion ban is on the table if Senate Republicans retake the majority and after news outlets have said that McConnell’s caucus is preparing new restrictions on reproductive health care if Roe is overturned.

New Hampshire is one of the most pro-choice states in the country, and the Republican primary candidates’ support for McConnell’s agenda of criminalizing abortion could not be more out of step with Granite Staters.

Watch “One Agenda

“The Republican primary candidates have spent their careers proving that they would be in lockstep with McConnell’s agenda of criminalizing abortion and punishing women,” said Maggie for NH Campaign Manager Aaron Jacobs. “In a pro-choice state like New Hampshire, the Republican primary candidates are wildly out of step with Granite Staters. Our campaign will continue to make clear that Senator Hassan’s opponents would all be a yes vote for McConnell’s push for a nationwide abortion ban.”

This week, Chuck Morse, Don Bolduc and Kevin Smith — who all support New Hampshire’s abortion ban  — came out in favor of the Supreme Court draft decision overturning Roe. Morse, “the key architect” of New Hampshire’s ban that was passed into law last year, on Thursday cast the deciding vote against legislation in the State Senate to codify abortion rights. On Tuesday, Kevin Smith promised his supporters that they are close to “ending abortion once and for all,” and all three have long supported rolling back reproductive rights and defunding Planned Parenthood.

Transcript for “One Agenda”:

Narrator: Three men — one agenda: fulfilling Mitch McConnell’s decades long crusade to criminalize abortion.

News media identified Chuck Morse as a “key architect” of New Hampshire’s abortion ban, who says he would “bring New Hampshire’s abortion ban to Washington.”

Don Bolduc said New Hampshire’s abortion ban is “better than nothing” but complains it doesn’t go far enough.

And Kevin Smith, he says that “we are so close to ending abortion once and for all.”

That is their agenda. They all supported New Hampshire’s abortion ban and now with Roe v Wade on the verge of being overturned, these three men and their one agenda mean that a woman’s fundamental rights — our freedoms — hang in the balance.


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