After the final debate on WMUR this evening, Granite Staters and political experts agree: Don Bolduc repeatedly stumbled when confronted with his extreme record. Bolduc wouldn’t respond to questions about his claim that the 2020 election was stolen and even lashed out at the WMUR moderators for asking a basic question on his previous statements.
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On Bolduc’s Failure to Answer for His Own Extreme Record
CBS News Reporter Sarah Ewall-Wice, @EwallWice: Don Bolduc when asked about his inconsistent comments about whether the 2020 election was stolen: “That’s it. I’m not discussing it anymore.” Also says “The bottom line is we need to focus on the future.” [11/2/22, 8:34 PM]
Former NHDP Chair Kathy Sullivan, @NHKathySullivan: Bolduc just said in debate he has never lied in the campaign. That’s a lie! He lied about the kitty litter! He lied about his position on 2022 election, flipping and flipping all the way. #nhpolitics [11/2/22, 8:08 PM]
DSCC David Bergstein, @DavidABergstein: Now Bolduc lashing out a moderator. Maybe needs litter box break? #nhpolitics [11/2/22, 8:34 PM]
Professor Amy Fried, @ASFried: We all know that Bolduc is way too extreme to be elected in NH. He espouses off the wall conspiracy conspiracy theories. #NHpolitics [11/2/22, 8:25 PM]
League of Conservation Voters Spokesperson Dave Willett, @davidwillett: The thing that surprises me the most about Bolduc is how thin-skinned he is. He really can’t stand having to explain or defend his own words. It drives him nuts to be held accountable. How would he tolerate 6 years serving NH voters if he can’t take the heat? #NHpolitics #NHsen [11/2/22, 9:03 PM]
On Bolduc’s Long Anti-Choice Record
Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund, @PPNHAF: “This is about a fundamental right of a woman to make her own health care decisions, and her health and safety and I believe strongly that those decisions have to be made by a woman and her doctor.” @Maggie_Hassan #NHPolitics #NHSen #TakeControl #Vote [11/2/22, 8:08 PM]
Planned Parenthood Senior Director Samuel Lau, @SamuelRLau: Hassan with the instant fact check on Bolduc, throwing his own record and quotes back in his face. He is hiding his promise to ban abortion at any cost, because he knows he’s on the wrong side of Granite Staters. #NHSEN [11/2/22, 8:08 PM]
Planned Parenthood Senior Director Samuel Lau, @SamuelRLau: Don Bolduc is DEFINITELY not a Doctor, but he still seems to want to allow politicians to interfere with personal health care decisions. #NHSEN [11/2/22, 8:20 PM]
NH State Senator Cindy Rosenwald, @CindyR4NH: I’m hearing from voters in Nashua that men also won’t forget Don Bolduc thinks we should rejoice at Roe being overturned. @NHSenateDems #NHPolitics [11/2/22, 8:16 PM]
On Bolduc’s Opposition to Home Heating Assistance
NHHSD Chair Hunter Porter, @HunterPorter603: Let’s remember half an hour ago when Don Bolduc said he is against home heating assistance: [11/2/22, 9:11 PM]
Former NHDP Chair Kathy Sullivan, @NHKathySullivan: Bolduc just came out against home heating fuel assistance? What the heck, dude! #nhpolitics [11/2/22, 8:17 PM]
NHDP Colin Booth, @ColinGBooth: Insane. @GenDonBolduc comes out against home heating assistance as @NHGOP energy hikes continue into November. #NHPolitics [11/2/22, 8:23 PM]
On Bolduc’s Failure to Name a World Leader He Admires
Washington Post Columnist James Hohmann, @jameshohmann: Moderator asks NH Senate candidates to name a world leader they admire: “I’m not going to say I admire anybody right now,” says Don Bolduc after a long pause. Maggie Hassan answers without hesitation: “Volodymyr Zelensky!” [11/2/22, 8:39 PM]
Politico National Political Reporter Natalie Allison, @natalie_allison: Asked which world leader they admire: Bolduc says no one. “The world needs a lot of work.” Hassan says Zelensky. [11/2/22, 8:40 PM]
NHDP Colin Booth, @ColinGBooth: Big takeaway from tonight’s #NHSen debate: @GenDonBolduc was angry — at times out of control — or lost answering simple questions. Couldn’t name a food, or a world leader. Just way too angry. NH voters shouldn’t feel safe with a person like that in the Senate. #NHPolitics [11/2/22, 9:04 PM]