Don Bolduc is receiving harsh criticism after telling Granite Staters outraged over the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade and Senate Republicans’ push for a nationwide abortion ban to “get over it.”
Read the reactions below:
US Senator Jeanne Shaheen @JeanneShaheen: Who wants to tell @GenDonBolduc that NH women don’t “get over” being made second-class citizens? Women will show up on 11/8 for candidates who will defend their fundamental rights to control their own bodies. In this race, there is only one person who’ll do that: @Maggie_Hassan. [12:08 PM, 9/18/22]
State Senator Becky Whitley @BeckyWhitleyNH: Don Bolduc just told half of Granite Staters, folks who just lost the constitutional right to bodily autonomy, to “get over it.” “Get over” that the gov’t now gets to decide our futures. Get over” that we aren’t considered trustworthy enough to make our own choices. #NHPolitics [10:26 AM, 9/18/22]
State Senator Rebecca Perkins-Kwoka @TeamRebeccaNH: This is an emotional and sensitive issue for women that we hold dear. Don Bolduc telling us to “get over it” is deeply out of touch with how critical this is to us. #NHPolitics [11:01 AM, 9/18/22]
State Representative Laura Telerski @LauraTelerski: When it comes to reproductive health and women losing basic rights across the nation, Bolduc tells them to “get over it”. @Maggie_Hassan needs to win in November. #NHSen #NHPolitics [10:04 AM, 9/18/22]
State Representative Matt Wilhelm @RepWilhelm: Granite Staters could “get over it” — or they could vote for pro-choice Democrats at both the federal and state levels this November. Vote all the way down the ballot and don’t skip a single office. Liberty and freedom are on the line in 2022. #MidtermsMatter #NHPolitics [10:43 AM, 9/18/22]
State Representative Manny Espitia @mannyfornh: Don Bolduc would pass a national abortion ban and tell you to “get over it.” #NHPolitics #NHSen [12:05 PM, 9/18/22]
Planned Parenthood Action Fund Vice President of Public Affairs Kayla Montgomery @KMontgomeryNH: Granite Staters aren’t going to ‘get over’ the elimination of our rights. #NHPolitics #NHsen #BansOffOurBodies [10:30 AM, 9/18/22]
Planned Parenthood Senior Director of Advocacy Communications, Sam Lau @SamuelRLau: Don Bolduc’s message to Granite Staters, who are angry and devastated about the overturning of Roe v Wade and the loss of federal protections for their reproductive freedom: “Get over it.” Get. Over. It. #NHSen #NHpolitics [10:15 AM, 9/18/22]
When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Don Bolduc said that Granite Staters should “rejoice.” He also said that New Hampshire’s abortion ban did not go far enough, and that he would never vote against anti-choice legislation in the United States Senate.