Last night on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Colbert mocked Don Bolduc — who he called one of “the kookiest, zaniest, conspiracy wackos” — for “desperately hedging” in an attempt to cover up his long record of election denial. Colbert played a clip from just a few weeks ago of Bolduc proudly touting his claims that the election was stolen, followed by a clip of Bolduc yesterday morning saying he now believes Joe Biden is the president – with Colbert saying “normally to see that much backpedaling you have to see the Tour de France on rewind.”
Dana Perino: And there is this from August 14th when you had a debate watch here.
Bolduc: I signed a letter with 120 other generals and admirals saying that Trump won the election and dammit, I stand by my words.
Perino: Do you stand by that today?
Bolduc: So, you know, we we we, you know, live and learn, right?
Colbert: So, so we, you know, we, we, we, weeoh aweem away, weeoh aweem away, [singing] weeoh aweem away, in New Hampshire, the newest Hampshire, the lion sleeps tonight…I’m sorry, Bolduc. I interrupted. You were desperately hedging?
Bolduc: And I’ve done a lot of research on this, and I’ve spent the past couple of weeks talking to Granite Staters all over the state from, you know, every party and I have come to the conclusion and I want to be definitive on this, the election was not stolen.
Colbert: Wow. Normally to see that much backpedaling, you have to watch the Tour de France on rewind.