In communities across the state, Granite Staters are praising Senator Hassan for standing up for New Hampshire on priorities including protecting women’s liberty and lowering gas prices. In letters to the editor in papers from Portsmouth to Laconia, Granite Staters are speaking out about Senator Hassan’s push to suspend the gas tax for calendar year 2022 and protect a woman’s right to control her own destiny by supporting the Women’s Health Protection Act. Senator Hassan’s opponents oppose both pieces of legislation.
While her Republican Senate opponents repeat Big Oil talking points and push their corporate special interest, anti-choice agenda, Senator Hassan is working to get results for Granite Staters.
Read more below:
Laconia Daily Sun: Lynn Thomas: Sen. Maggie Hassan Leading The Fight To Cut Gas Prices
Sen. Hassan has again shown she is willing to roll up her sleeves and work to get results for Granite Staters by proposing real, concrete solutions that will save us all money. We haven’t heard any real solutions from her GOP opponents. They talk a lot about rising gas prices but haven’t done anything to solve the problem. Politicians talk. Leaders deliver solutions. By standing up for Granite Staters and helping them make ends meet, Sen. Hassan has shown she is a true leader and why we need to keep her in the Senate.
Laconia Daily Sun: Suzanne Allison: Sen. Maggie Hassan Leading The Fight For Reproductive Rights
The contrast is stark. Sen. Hassan voted for the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would codify Roe v. Wade, protecting abortion access for women across the country. Chuck Morse and Kevin Smith, on the other hand, doubled down on their anti-choice agenda and said they would vote against the law. While Sen. Hassan is sticking up for the rights of New Hampshire women, her opponents are trying to take our state backwards.
Keene Sentinel: Ann Goodrich-Bazan: Gas Tax Relief Will Save Money, Support Families
Most importantly, Sen. Hassan is taking decisive action to actually help families like mine in a tangible, practical way — unlike her Republican opponents, who offer no solutions. Rather than stay on the sidelines, she is working to solve real problems by proposing solutions that will keep more money in my family’s bank account every week.
Seacoast Online: Joan Jacobs: Sen. Hassan Fighting To Protect NH Women’s Reproductive Health
With access to abortion and reproductive rights under attack by Republicans in New Hampshire, I could not be more thankful to have Sen. Maggie Hassan fighting for Granite Staters’ right to make their own health care decisions. This week, Sen. Hassan voted to support the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would protect access to abortion and women’s fundamental right to control their own destiny.